RoWST – Romanian Workshop on Software Testing

In 29-30 martie 2012, la Hotel Parliament in Bucuresti, va avea loc prima editie a RoWST – Romanian Workshop on Software Testing.

Acest eveniment va fi organizat de Altom si Tabara de Testare, va urma formatul unui Peer Conference, si se va bucura de participarea lui James Bach si a lui Maaret Pyhäjärvi.

Pentru cei care au urmarit TdT, exista cateva diferente intre conferintele organizate la sfarsitul anului trecut si acest workshop:

  • durata: deoarece se va intinde pe parcusul a doua zile, vom avea ocazia sa ne cunoastem mai bine si sa acoperim anumite subiecte mai in detaliu.
  • taxa de participare: nu exista nici o taxa de participare, dar fiecare participant va trebui sa-si acopere cheltuielile cu pranzul. Altom va suporta cheltuielile cu sala, echipamentul , cafeaua / ceaiul si apa.
  • numarul de participanti: pentru a facilita schimbul de idei si experiente, numarul de participanti este limitat la 15 persoane, incluzandu-i pe James si Maaret.
  • prezentarile: vom incerca sa alegem mai atent prezentarile, astfel incat fiecare din ele sa fie un raport bazat pe experienta.
  • participarea: am trimis deja invitatii in functie de gradul de implicare in (incipienta) comunitate a testerilor din Romania. Daca nu ai primit invitatie si vrei sa participi, te rog sa imi dai un email la alex [punct] rotaru [la] altom [punct] ro.

Deoarece vom avea cel putin 2 participanti internationali, limba folosita in timpul conferintei va fi engleza.

RoWST Theme – “Everyday Software Testing Challenges”

What are the things that bother you most in your day-to-day work environment? We want to hear from you experience reports of everyday problems you’ve stumbled upon, the way you dealt with them, and the solutions you have come up with.

In case you haven’t found a solution to the issue, even better, because we love a good challenge! You can present the details of the situation and the steps you’ve taken and we’ll try to identify solutions together/discuss it further.

What we’re looking for: challenges and the ways you chose to deal with them, and not just complaints.

What we’re NOT looking for:

  • theoretical ideas you’ve read about but have never applied or experienced,
  • generic stories with no practical bearing,
  • stories for which the context is not available.

Examples of presentation topics (to guide you in identifying and naming your challenges):

  • Documenting your testing efficiently
  • How to deal with the false belief that the solution to every problem is a tool (magic tool to solve any problem)
  • Fighting against unreasonable requests/expectations from managers/clients (100% automation, complete coverage)
  • The shift from the traditional mode to more effective and relevant approaches.

As a result of the workshop, we will have a summary report of key learning points and conclusions to share with the testing community through


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