Pentru cei curiosi sa afle ce teme ar putea fi acoperite in cadrul intalnirilor viitoare va atasez o lista cu posibile teme.
Deasemenea, daca exista cineva printre voi carora li se pare interesanta vreuna din temele de mai jos si ar vrea sa o prezinta la o editie viitoare lasati-ne un comentariu.
- Performance Testing
- Testing Web Applications
- Security Testing in Web Applications
- How are the users interacting with your application? Is usability really a concern?
- Agile Testing – To test or not to test?
- Automation? Will it save us or kill us?
- Tools that can save you time and money when testing? (test management tools, bug trackers, jmeter, selenium, etc)
- Distributed testing
- How can we scale our testing efforts? (Amazon and cloud computing – distributed testing with jmeter or selenium)
- Career in Software Testing
- How can you build one?
- What does it mean to have a career in Software Testing?
- To where can it lead?
- What can you gain from it?
- Exploratory Testing
- Mobile Testing – improving the time spent on compatibility testing ….
- Metrics
- Good and bad metrics
- Functional testing
- Non-functional testing
- Scenario Testing
- Exploratory Testing
- User testing
- Working globally
- Pear testing – Collaborative testing
- Code Coverage
- Is it good or bad?
- How can it help us?
- How can we lie with code coverage?
- Hiring software testers
- What are the soft skills you’re looking for?
- Managing the software testing process
- Managing software testers
- How to build great teams?
- How to grow your team?
- How to teach someone to be a tester?
- How to fail with your team?
- Bug process
- Bug process: is there such a thing?
- Bug advocacy
- Write good bug reports
- Evaluate your testing processes
- How good are they?
- Find areas of improvement
- Test Strategy
- Things to keep in mind when creating your test strategy
Lista este cu carater inspirational si informativ si deloc in ordine.
Daca mai aveti si alte idei sau curiozitati pe care le doriti acoperite lasati-ne un comentariu.
Spreading the news:
Ce parere aveti despre Acceptance Testing? Am avut ocazia sa fac on site support pt mai multe faze de UAT si va pot spune ce am trait pe pielea mea. Keywords: business knowledge, communication skills, validation (not verification) s.a.m.d.
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Pentru asta te-as ruga sa ne trimiti un mail la contact [AT] tabaradetestare [PUNCT] ro cu structura prezentarii ca sa ne putem face o idee mai buna despre ce vrei sa vorbesti.